People who file for bankruptcy protection have usually tried everything else they can to get their finances under control. For those who take the step, one decision that has to be made is what type of bankruptcy they’ll file. Individuals who pass the means test for...
Who is eligible to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Filing for bankruptcy can be a daunting but necessary step for individuals facing overwhelming financial challenges. Familiarizing yourself with the eligibility criteria can be crucial for a successful petition. Chapter 7 bankruptcy, is a debt relief process that is...
Will filing for bankruptcy impact your retirement?
After being in the workforce for decades, most older Americans look forward to retirement. It's a time to relax, travel and spend time with family. Unfortunately, the golden years also bring more health issues and healthcare costs for many people. And with a limited...
2 common mistakes to avoid when filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy
Navigating the bankruptcy system can be complex, and even minor mistakes can have significant consequences. But the reality of filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy doesn’t take away from the fact that it can provide much-needed relief for individuals overwhelmed by debt in...
What you should know about “zombie debt”
If you’re dealing with overwhelming debt, you may have lost track of everyone you owe and how many collectors are contacting you. One thing you should be careful about is something called “zombie debt.” A zombie debt is often a debt you no longer owe because it has...
How does Chapter 7 bankruptcy work?
If you are dealing with serious debt problems and considering filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, it is worthwhile to understand how everything works. That way, you will be better prepared on what to expect when navigating the entire bankruptcy process and getting the...