
Is bankruptcy the right option for you?

Filing for bankruptcy is a major decision that requires careful consideration. While bankruptcy can provide financial relief, it has to be the right choice for your unique circumstances. Here are three questions to ask yourself while determining whether or not...

The automatic stay offers several benefits

When a person files for bankruptcy, the court issues an automatic stay. This gives the filer a reprieve from the constant communication from debt collectors. Once the automatic stay is issued, creditors can’t make any collection attempts, including making demands...

Why bankruptcy may be good for your health

Most people have some amount of debt to deal with on a constant basis. After all, many people shop online and use credit cards to make the majority of their purchases. Credit card debt in the United States is over $1 trillion cumulatively. A small amount of debt may...

Tips for staying out of credit card debt

Credit cards can be very useful. They can allow you to make purchases without your bank balance taking an immediate hit. Nonetheless, there are some potential drawbacks to using credit cards, and they can be a significant source of debt. Here are a few tips that may...