The decision to declare bankruptcy is one that you should never take lightly. Done right, bankruptcy can give you a fresh start by either writing off your debts or allowing you to work out a repayment plan that suits your current financial situation. If you get it...
Discharging student loan debt in bankruptcy may soon get easier
Americans of all ages who are mired in student loan debt feel like they’ve been on a roller-coaster this year. President Joe Biden’s recently announced student loan forgiveness program, which would have erased up to $20,000 in student loan debt for some borrowers, had...
Have you been named as the executor of a will?
Your loved one may have chosen you as the executor of their will, and you may be uncertain about what the role entails. Given the responsibility on your shoulders, it helps to understand what is expected of you and what you can do to ensure that your loved one’s final...